Service Area

We specialize in real estate appraisals in Boone, Cedar, Clinton, Muscatine, Polk, Scott, and Story Counties in Iowa and Rock Island County in Illinois.


If you are located outside the Quad Cities (eastern Iowa & western Illinois, USA) or outside of the Des Moines/Ames metro corridor, we can refer you to an appraiser in your area or you can search for an appraiser at Appraisal Institute: Find an Appraiser


Order Your Appraisal

If you are a first-time client, please telephone us to request an appraisal quote or order an appraisal.



Meet our appraisers now, or contact us directly.

Wren Appraisal, L.C.

2010 E 38th Street, Suite 102

Davenport, IA 52807 USA


Phone | +1.563.359.8610

Fax | +1.563.359.8612

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Habitat Hero Award

Habitat For Humanity

Habitat Hero Award presented to Wren Appraisal, L.C. | Thank you for your continuing support of Habitat for Humanity Quad Cities. You have helped area families achieve their dream of home ownership. 

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