Waste Commission of Scott County, Iowa

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.

Data Security

The Electronic Demanufacturing Facility is equipped with state-of-the-art data security equipment to ensure that sensitive or confidential information is not compromised. From the moment the material arrives at the facility, it is tracked using a barcode system and security cameras. Once demanufactured, hard drives are kept in a locked cage until they are shredded. Customers desiring priority data protection can pay a special handling fee to obtain copies of video from surveillance cameras, tracking reports and certificates of destruction. 


Information supplied by: http://www.wastecom.com/

Electronic Demanufacturing Facility

1048 Eat 59th Street

Davenport, Iowa 52807

Electronic Waste

The Commission’s Electronic Demanufacturing Facility (EDF) provides residents an environmentally sound disposal option for electronic waste (e-waste) such as computers and televisions. All material is demanufactured and, to ensure data security, is not refurbished or reused. Demanufacturing, or disassembling, involves manually breaking down equipment into its separate components prior to shredding or recycling. 

Curbside E-waste Collection (Davenport and Bettendorf only): 
Bettendorf and Davenport residents that receive curbside collection can put e-waste out as bulky waste on their recycling day. This is a service that is included in the solid waste fee and no call-ins or appointments are required. The e-waste collected at the curb is delivered to the EDF. 

Scott County Residents: 
Residents of Scott County can bring e-waste to the facility Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Residential e-waste is charged at 20 cents per pound for TVs, monitors and laptops. All other e-waste is free of charge. Large or unusual items are assessed on a per item basis. Some communities have special collection programs; please check with your city

Rock Island County Residents: 
Rock Island County residents can bring e-waste to the facility Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. There is no charge with a valid Rock Island County address. Rock Island County Waste Management Agency covers the cost of processing and disposal for its residents. Rock Island County residents can also dispose of household hazardous material free of charge through the Waste Commission of Scott County. Make an appointment online or click here to find out more about household hazardous material. 


Learn more about electronic waste in their education section.

E-waste is defined as anything with a circuit board and or cathode ray tube (CRT). Following is a list of items accepted through this program: 

  • Calculators
  • Cameras
  • Cassette Recorders
  • CD Players
  • Cell Phones
  • Computers (CPUs)
  • Copiers
  • DVD Players
  • Keyboards (typing and musical)
  • Monitors
  • Mice
  • Printer Cartridges (all types)
  • Printers (ribbon, laser, ink jet)
  • Radios
  • Scanners
  • Stereo Recievers
  • Tape Recorders
  • Televisions
  • Typewriters (electric)
  • VCRs
  • Video Game Equipment

Electronic Demanufacturing Facility
1048 East 59th Street 
Davenport, IA 52807

Phone: 563.823.0119

Directions: See map. Take Brady Street in Davenport north to 53rd Street, turn right (east) on to 53rd St. Travel one mile and take a left (north) on to Carey Ave. Follow Carey all the way to the cul-de-sac to enter Scott Area Recycling Center. The Electronic Demanufacturing Facility is located just north of the Recycling Center.

Hours: Hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Closed Holidays.

Fees: Residents* and businesses are charged 20 cents per pound for TVs, monitors and laptops. Console & projection televisions are a flat fee of $15. All other electronic waste is accepted at no charge. Large or unusual items are assessed on a per item basis.


Meet our appraisers now, or contact us directly.

Wren Appraisal, L.C.

2010 E 38th Street, Suite 102

Davenport, IA 52807 USA


Phone | +1.563.359.8610

Fax | +1.563.359.8612

E-mail | info@wrenappraisal.com

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